MIMO with MMSE SIC and optimal ordering

This post attempts to build further on the MIMO equalization schemes which we have discussed – (a) Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalization, (b) Zero Forcing equalization with Successive Interference Cancellation (ZF-SIC) and (c) ZF-SIC with optimal ordering. We have learned that successive interference cancellation with optimal ordering improves the performance with Zero Forcing equalization….

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Understanding an OFDM transmission

Let us try to understand simulation of a typical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmission defined per IEEE 802.11a specification. Orthogonal pulses In a previous post (here ), we have understood that the minimum frequency separation for two sinusoidals with arbitrary phases to be orthogonal is , where is the symbol period. In Orthogonal Frequency…

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Sigma delta modulation

In an earlier post, it was mentioned that delta modulator without the quantizer is identical to convolving an input sequence with . Let us first try to validate that thought using a small MATLAB example and using the delta modulator circuit shown in Figure 9.13a of DSP-Proakis [1]. % delta modulation xn = sin(2*pi*1/64*[0:63]); xhatn…

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