Convolutional code

Coding is a technique where redundancy is added to original bit sequence to increase the reliability of the communication. In this article, lets discuss a simple binary convolutional coding scheme at the transmitter and the associated Viterbi (maximum likelihood) decoding scheme at the receiver. Update: For some reason, the blog is unable to display the…

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ICCBN 2008, July 17-20 2008, IISc, Bangalore

Advanced Computing and Communication Society (ACS) of India is organizing ICCBN 2008 conference (International Conference on Communication, Convergence, and Broadband Networking) from July 17th to 20th 2008 at National Science Seminar Complex at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. ICCBN Conference aims to provide a premier forum for researchers, industry practitioners and educators to present…

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Happy holidays! 🙂 Wishing every one merry Christmas and a great year 2009 and beyond. I will list down some of the books which I have on my desk. They help me with the math and simulations Digital Communication: Third Edition, by John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt

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